Monday, September 15, 2008

Notice of Intent

I forewarn any and all readers: this does not promise to be a stirring, gripping, or mind-tingling blog. I forewarn any and all readers again: it will still aspire to be all of the aforementioned.

Currently, I am taking a Critical Thinking course at my college. While the professor did not show up on the first night of class, my gears are already turning on the subject. As a requirement of the class, I've been asked to keep a journal of sorts, prompted by topics and questions from my teacher. As an extension of that requirement, I've decided to try to post any and all observations I have on the subject, for my own personal record.

So, read what I have to say, but know that some of it will be a result of required action, and the rest will be a result of random action.

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